
Oxytetracycline belongs to the group of tetracyclines and acts bacteriostatic against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria like Bordetella, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, E. coli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. The action of oxytetracycline is based on inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis. Oxytetracycline is mainly excreted in urine, for a small part in bile and in lactating animals in milk. One injection acts for two days.


Cattle: For the treatment and control of Pasteurellosis and pneumonia caused by organisms sensitive to oxytetracycline and as an aid in the treatment of infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis.

Pigs: For the control of pneumonia caused by Pasteurella and for the control of Atrophic Rhinitis.


Administer intramuscularly. Divide dosages over two or more injection sites – maximum 15ml per injection site in cattle over 150 kg body weight and 7ml in pigs and calves.

Pigs: 0.1ml Supracin LA (equiuvalent to 20mg oxytetracycline) per kg bodyweight, if necessary repeat after 72 hours.

Cattle: 0.1ml Supracin LA (equiuvalent to 20mg oxytetracycline) per kg bodyweight, if necessary repeat after 72 hours. For milking cows, give only as a single injection.

Suitable for


Product type





Oxytetracycline 200mg / ml


Cattle: For the treatment and control of Pasteurellosis and pneumonia caused by organisms sensitive to oxytetracycline and as an aid in the treatment of infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis. Pigs: For the control of pneumonia caused by Pasteurella and for the control of Atrophic Rhinitis.